2022 VBS - Be Ready!

It is hard to believe that VBS 2022 has come and gone. We had a wonderful week filled with sharing God’s love through His Word and through many helpers who came out to be a part of our week. This was our 3rd year of not purchasing a program and relying fully on God to bring forth His plans for our week. We enjoyed having 32 kids come and join us and were so blessed once again with many of our young ones who have attended VBS over the years come and be a part of it as a helper. We are thankful to all of our helpers and to Rick Hagerstrom, “Mr. H” who used his gifts from Almighty God to share God’s word in his own unique ways.  

Our week was filled with many activities that reinforced the message of Salvation through God’s Word highlighted with prayer, praise and worship music, as well as individual breakout groups where the kids saw videos, had snacks and played games all based in and on God’s Word.

We praise our Heavenly Father for this opportunity to reach out to others and allow us to shine His light and we pray that all those who participated felt God's love each night and a desire to be closer to Him. It was our goal and prayer to provide each individual with what was needed to take that next step and move towards a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, if they have not already done so.

Mark Walker